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How to Become a Witch/Wiccan

It is often asked where one should start when they've discovered this wonderful system. First of all, when you ask this question, does...

77 Question Witchy Community Tag

Yet another challenge pops up in the Pagan community, and of course I want to take part, but again, it will be text based. This one is in four parts, so without further delay...

Part 1

1) Do you use runes as a written language?
--No. I would find it rather difficult, time consuming and distracting to have to try to decipher the runic letters to find out what I was reading. My concentration would be focused more on decoding the words, than actually reading them and comprehending what I'm reading. I have no use for writing in codes. IF...I were to write anything in codes (runes, theban, etc) it would either be as part of a spell OR purely for esthetics.

2) Do you feel you have natural gifts such as (premonitions, hearing spirits) and if so do you think this is what led you to this path?
--I believe I have empathic abilities. I can't be in large crowds, not only because of claustrophobia, but the mix of emotions happening in that group. I feel I have an ability to determine someone's feelings without talking to them.

Is this what lead me to where I am today? I don't think so. I think the need for alternative spiritual fulfillment is what led me here. I was so uncomfortable with the such strict and rigid rules of Christianity that I was feeling suffocated. Paganism offered me the breath of fresh air I was searching for.

3) What deity do you work with if any and why?
--I work with the Goddess Hecate. She called to me. I couldn't get her name out of my mind, so I began researching her. I soon discovered that she'd been calling to me for some time, but I didn't get the "symbolism" she was displaying to me...they didn't click for me. It wasn't until I researched her signs and symbols, associations etc. that I discovered she wanted me to follow her.

4) Have you always worked with this same deity?
--No. There was a point where I thought Diana and Osiris were the deities I was meant to honor. I felt them sort of "fade" away when Hecate came to me. I think the only reason I gravitated towards them was because I believed I NEEDED dual deities to follow, not necessarily because I was actually meant to follow them.

5) Do you use any personal items in your practice (blood, semen, tears, urine, etc).
--I've used saliva during cleansings and dedications. I feel it creates more of a connection to my tools than your typical rituals. I have created my own cleansing/dedicating rituals using no tools.

6) Do you do past life readings or have ever had one done; who were you or how did you die?
--Nope, I've never had readings like this before.

7) What is your favorite magical tool?
--You mean besides my BoS? I'd probably have to say my athame. For as long as I can remember I've had an affinity for blades. I've always loved knives, and used to draw them out of boredom. I obtained the one I use now from my husband (more like permanently borrowed lol). It's a black, ceramic, double-edged boot knife.

8) What is a song or type of music that gets you into a witchy mood?
--I'd have to say Enya or Loreena McKinnet. I love celtic music.

9) Where is the most magical place you have ever been?
--I don't think there's a specified place I've gone that's magical...just out in nature in general, I get a very strong magical feel. I think though, mostly when it's foggy or snowing huge flakes, that I get the most magical feelings.

Though, thinking back, the only place I've felt truly magical was the forested back yard I had during my "tween" years. If I was there now, I'd probably spend the majority of my time there.

10) What animal is your familiar if any?
--I don't have any animal familiars. I do have a pet dog whom I love about as much as one of my kids, but I don't consider her my familiar. I don't need one.

11) If you have a familiar, did you choose them or did they choose you?
--See #10

12) What in the craft are you best at (tarot, spells, rituals, etc)?
--I don't think I have anything I'm especially skilled at. I do love working with herbs though.

13) What in the craft would you say you are weaker at?
--I would definitely have to say divination. I haven't been able to get into things like crystal gazing , scrying or tarot. I am trying, though.

14) What is your most favorite part of your craft (spell writing, divination, etc)?
--I would have to say I love writing spells. But just because I love writing them, doesn't mean I'm thoroughly adept at casting them, nor does it mean that I write them on a regular basis. Quite the opposite though. Spell casting is something I do on an as-need basis...I have no schedule that I follow when I cast. I can't cast if there's no need.

15) What is the first tool you ever purchased?
--Probably a notebook to make my first BoS (but that was a long time ago, so I don't quite remember)

16) What was your first homemade tool for your practice?
--Besides my BoS (lol), the first homemade tool I had was a wand...shortly after that, I carved myself an athame using a piece of kindling and a Dremmel tool. An impressive task for someone who has never used a Dremmel in her life lol.

17) What are your feelings on raising kids in the craft?
--I have no problems with raising kids with knowledge of the's no different than raising your children to be Christian or Buddhist. As long as you teach them responsibility, the difference between fiction and reality and respecting others right to believe what they wish, so long as it doesn't interfere with other people's same rights, there's nothing wrong with it.

Part 2

18) If you were a Goddess or God, who would you be?
--You mean out of the ones that are currently out there, or my own version of being a deity?

I'm really unsure. I would hope I could be a deity of common sense, of strength, and of reality. I would help my followers understand themselves, face their real self, teach them to embrace themselves as they are and not focus on what society wants them to be, and draw strength from it.

19) Do you use astrology in your practices? In what ways?
--No. Outside entertainment value, I don't really use astrology.

20) What if any ways could you practice dark magic and still respect the beliefs of Wicca?
--I think light and dark are matters of perception. What I consider light, maybe considered dark by another. There are no standard parameters set by the Pagan community (or Wiccan for that matter) that determine certain acts are only dark and others are only light. I could cast a curse on someone; an outsider may see me doing acts of a dark nature, but my intent is to prevent that person from causing harm to another. By MY perception, I'm doing light work, but because I choose to call my working a "curse" another would deem it as being dark.

Wicca has no stance on doing so-called "dark" work. By misquoting the Rede by saying "Harm None" you take the Rede out of context and create something that doesn't actually reflect what the Rede is actually saying. It doesn't say ANYTHING about harmful actions...any action, whether they are "good" or "bad" has consequences and the person taking those actions must accept whatever consequences come of those actions. That's called being "responsible" and is at the core of Wicca.

21) Do you have any Witches in your family?
--No. I am the first in my family (at least that I know of). My father DID inform me that he has family members who participated in Druidry, but I don't know them so I don't know what they actually do. But I can say at least Paganism runs in my family.

22) What item can you not witch without?
--My BoS of course! It has everything (information wise) I need to practice: correspondences, my rituals and spells, tenents of faith, etc. I know plenty of people out there can do without such a book, but me personally...I cannot. It holds me closer to my spirituality, and I probably value it about as much as a devout Christian values their bible.

23) What is your favorite Sabbat or time of year ritual?
--It would definitely have to be Samhain. While it's not the festival of lights, that time of year always looks so much better with candles lit everywhere. My first Sabbat was a Samhain ritual. I lit 13 candles around a makeshift altar, and it was probably the most beautiful altar I had ever seen. Subsequent Sabbats have failed to compare, but as time went on, time and seclusion faded. Family, you takes up time you once had.

24) Have you ever had a YouTube burnout?
--Not making videos of myself, if that's what you mean. I have binged on watching YouTube videos though...sometimes I get into a phase where I want to see as much of a certain topic as I can...that can certainly leave you burnt out if you do it long enough lol.

25) What is your favorite Witchy shop, and to they have an online store?
--My favorite Witchy shop is Dollarama, and no, they don't have an online store. I get most of what I need from this place. I have been to a couple of metaphysical stores in my area, but they're kinda out of the way, so I don't go to them very often. They DO have online stores, but only one is just starting to provide shipping so their online inventory is limited.

26) When buying witchy items, do they choose you or do you choose them?
--I think that really depends on the item. Sometimes they choose me, other times I choose them. For example, my cauldron "called" to me. I almost didn't pick it up, but couldn't seem to leave the store without it.

27) How do you organize your herbs/ingredients?
--I store my herbs in glass jars. I just transferred my Sage and Mullein into some mason jars, that once were stored in plastic ziplock bags. At the moment my herbs and other ingredients are stored in a drawer next to my altar. The box on which my altar sits doesn't have a whole lot of room, so I have to store my herbs in my night stand.

28) Do you have interest in other deities that you don't work with, if so which ones?
--I have an affinity for the Greek pantheon. I've always loved Greek mythology. I don't think there are really any other specific deities I'm drawn to, except perhaps Zeus, but he almost seems cliche...someone everyone works with, and I don't want to be cliche. Besides, I haven't had a strong pull towards him, so I think I'll just admire him, rather than worship him.

29) Do you have a fav time of day to do spell work, if so why?
--I don't have a specific time of day that I prefer to do spell's usually when I've found the time. I don't plan out my workings, they happen when I sense the need for something to happen and act on the strong pull to do some work.

30) Are you solitary or do you work with a coven?
--I'm a solitary, both by choice and necessity. At one time it was by necessity because I lived in a rather remote place that had few, if any other Pagans around. Now, I'm solitary by choice because I it's my preference. I don't have to wait for a specific time or wait for others to have a cleared schedule to practice when I want/need.

31) If you could pick a certain witchcraft tradition that fits your practice most, what would it be (druid, celtic, wicca, etc)?
--The examples listed aren't branches of Witchcraft...they're branches of Paganism. Witchcraft is a practice, not a religion, as there are no Gods to follow within the craft. There ARE branches of Witchcraft, but in that they would be "green" (having to do with plants), hedge (having to do with working with the otherworlds), kitchen (household witchcraft), etc. If I had to pick a branch of'd probably be a mix of green and kitchen. I have little interest in "crossing the hedge" so to say. I have a strong interest in plants and spend most of my time in my home.

32) What was the most creative spell you have ever done? What did you use?
--I don't really know if I want to divulge the details of the spells I have done. No two spells are created nor cast the same way.

33) What do you prefer for divination (tarot, oracle, runes etc) and why?
--If I had to would probably be tarot. I love tarot cards, for some reason, though I just can't seem to read them.

34) What are some ways you keep yourself grounded?
--I take my shoes off and stand bare foot on the ground. There's no better way to ground myself. I'd hug or sit against a tree, but with the trees around here I'm liable to be covered in carpenter ants or tiny red spiders lol.

35) Have you ever had a spell go horribly wrong?
--Nope. I'm thankful to have had spells go they way they do without anything going wrong. My spells either don't work, or work as well as I expect.

36) What is your opinion on initiation rituals?
--If you're going to dedicate yourself to something, and do it in a group setting, then there's nothing wrong with initiation rituals. It gives you something to look forward to and a reason to keep going.

As a solitary, though, I don't believe they (dedications, not initiations) are necessary. Naturally it's one's choice to dedicate themselves to something, but I have not done any kind of "dedication", yet I've been walking my path for over 20 years. I didn't need a dedication ceremony to maintain my 20 years on this path, and I don't necessarily see me needing to do one to continue for another 20.

37) Have you ever had full contact with your deity? If so, what happened?
--Again, this seems to be a rather personal question. I'm not entirely sure if I want to divulge the intimate nature between me and my deity.

38) What about you is un-witchy?
--Probably everything. But then what IS "Witchy"? What does this term mean? How does one determine what is and is not "Witchy" and where is this list that I missed?

The only thing that's probably "Witchy" on me is my pentacle ring. I rarely take it off.

39) For the dating witch, how do you tell a new love interest that you are a witch?
--I'm married, so I won't have this problem. But...IF I were single, though, it might be a difficult thing to bring up. It's not like you're divulging to your new potential partner that you're Christian, a more accepted form of spirituality. With all the negative portrayals out there, it might scare off that potential partner, if not give them fuel for mockery and degradation.

Unless you wait and determine their views on alternative spiritualities, I think a topic like this might have to be kept on the back burner until later on in the relationship...perhaps just before you decide to move in with potential partner.

40) Who is a past Witch that has inspired you, famous or not?
--You know, I'm not sure. I want to say that Laurie Cabot inspires me in a way, but I find her too cliche for the craft. Being the proclaimed "Official Witch of Salem" she feels the need to play the part. While I wouldn't mind the accepted title of "Official Witch" of my town, if given this title, this wouldn't give me license to be stereotypical. Compare me to Laurie Cabot, while I do wear glasses, they're hardly huge, coke-bottle type glasses with thick, black rims, nor do I wear heavy makeup, scraggly hair and flowing dresses and cloaks. Though I know that Salem is now a tourist town, it still wouldn't make me want to dress in such a way, merely for tourist dollars. That almost seems like selling out your spirituality for a few bucks.

But besides the esthetics of it all, I have far, FAR more respect for Laurie than I do, say $ilver Ravenwolf. Seeing the two conduct sample rituals for the camera, Laurie seems more devoted to actual ritual and the seriousness of it all, than $ilver. When I see $ilver perform ritual, it brings to mind many a Baptist gathering.

But including non-famous Witches out bigger CURRENT inspirations would probably have to be Mandi See and Mackenzie Sage Wright. I've had the privilege of corresponding with these two women for a number of years. I've even taken Sage's first Wicca year and a day course, and she's a wonderful, knowledgeable teacher. Both women are informative and dedicated to their spiritualities and informing the public about the true nature of Paganism.

Part 3

41) How do you handle rejection from a fellow witch that refuses to do a reading or spell for you?
--I don't know...I've never had that happen. Though I haven't asked anyone else to do readings or spells for me. If I want spells or readings done, I do them myself.

42) Do you think it is necessary to cast a circle when you do spell work or any magical working?
--No. That's what separates me from Wicca. While I admire most of Wicca, I feel that some aspects just don't work for me. In my spirituality, circles are rooms in which I can commune in "private" with my deity. Just some one-on-one time where no other energies, thoughts, etc can bother us. Wiccans tend to cast circles more out of protection; protection from negative thoughts, influence, entities, etc. They tend to cast them for almost any aspect of their spirituality, and to me it seems to lose its special nature to cast them at any opportunity. It's like building a room to drink a glass of water. Building another room to eat a sandwich. Building another room to write a letter, etc. To me a circle if a portable "temple", if you will. Someplace where I can call in the Goddess so I can honor her in a more appropriate manner.

43) If Steven Speilberg called and wanted to make a movie of your life, who would you want to play as you?
--He must be REALLY running low on ideas if he has to come to me wanting to make a movie based on MY life. He'd really have to exaggerate events to keep an audience interested, and include a LOT of special effects lol

In all seriousness, though, who would I want to play me? I don't think there's really anyone out there who could play me. Not that there isn't anyone talented enough, but I think everyone in Hollywood is too pretty to play me lol. If it didn't come to similar looks, I could probably say Jennifer Lawrence (only because I think she's a great actress). But my life is hardly anything worth putting on film.

44) What is some advice that was given to you that you pass along because it has made an impact?
--Right now, I can't think of any. Maybe read [all the reputable] material you can find. It's a big point of research to read what you can to understand and learn. There are those out there who like to think that the only way to learn about Paganism or Wicca is to join a coven, but that's only applicable in a perfect world. I'm living proof that not everywhere is there a coven to join that's accessible. The nearest coven (that I know of) is about an hour's drive from me. That's not really realistic for me. I don't know of any Christians who drive an hour away just to go to church (but then, they have churches (sometimes multiple) in every town in North America). Sometimes the only resource a person has is to read books by those who have been there and know the intricacies of spirituality. But people who have access to or have created their own covens don't understand that we who have limited access too covens can't just go on Witchvox to find what we need. Sometimes those resources just aren't there, and I think it's arrogant to believe that because we choose not to drive 60, 90, 120 minutes to the nearest coven means we're not entitled to our spirituality, and look at us with a look of "oh well, too bad".

45) What is some advice you would give to someone who has not found their deity?
--Be patient. There's no real rush to find's perfectly acceptable to simply refer to the Gods as "Lord" and "Lady" until someone specific decides to make themselves known. Don't choose a God and Goddess because you THINK it's mandatory that you follow someone specific. I did that and discovered they weren't actually for me.

46) Where do you buy your herbs?
--Well, for the ones I can't harvest out of my own yard or other local natural resource, I go to places like the grocery store or the "Bulk Barn" (a bulk food store near me). Every herb has a substitution, and if I don't have any angelica root, I can find a local substitute for what I need.

47) How did you feel casting your first circle (silly, scared, stumbling, etc)?
--Oh, it was so long ago...probably apprehensive, unsure. I don't quite remember.

48) What was your first successful spell?
--In all honesty I don't remember...probably a protection spell. My husband had gone overseas, and was worried for his safety. Sure enough, he came home safe and sound.

49) What is your general practice for meditation?
--Normally I sit quietly, perhaps put on some lyric-less meditative music, and sit still. I used to try to quiet my mind, but that just makes me fall asleep lol. I recently learned "mindfulness" meditation, so I'm trying to put this into regular practice.

50) Are you a day walker or a night comer?
--If anyone else were to ask this I might say "pardon?".

I assume this question is asking if I might be a night-owl. I used to be. I used to be one who would stay up all night, then sleep all day. I suppose I still am if I had the opportunity. But with three kids and a husband, being a night-owl isn't feasible anymore.

51) How and when did you know you wanted to be on the path
--There are a lot of questions here asking me to remember. The thing is, it's difficult to remember that long ago.

I'd have to say that I wanted to walk this path 20 years ago (duh). After I had done some research and determined this made more sense than what I was believing. It also helped me to understand tragic events that had happened in my life.

52) What type of Pagan are you?
--The long-winded, totally-unnecessary title I carry for my spirituality is "Non-religiously-specific, Solitary Eclectic Pagan Witch". make things so much easier on ME...I just tell people I'm a Witch.

53) What candle color do you use most?
--I use mostly white because it's all purpose. It's difficult to find candles in the colors I want that aren't scented.

54) What area would you like to see your craft grow in?
--I'm not entirely sure. I'm sure there are LOTS of areas within my craft that could do with some expansion and growth, but at this point I'm not sure which one. Probably divination.

55) What is your preference, to buy or make your tools?
--I prefer to make as many tools as I can, but when I can't, I buy them. I've already made my own wands, athame, BoS, etc. I'd love to make my own candles, maybe some wax melts with lighter scents (as opposed to incense, which can be overpowering), etc.

56) What fictional witch book/screen inspired you the most?
--There are a number of fictional Witches that I love and inspire me in my actual workings, despite their work being purely fictional:
-"Sarah" - The Craft
-"Sally" - Practical Magic
-"Karen" - The Outer Limits: The Choice
-"Maleficent" - Sleeping Beauty (yeah, a villain, but I still like her)

57) With your first spell, were you alone or in a coven?
--I've never been a part of a coven. Everything I've done has been solitary.

58) What is your favorite candle, incense scent for magical purposes?
--Because I have a family member with breathing issues, heavily scented products don't make much of an appearance in my home. If I had to choose, though, I love lavender and dragon's blood. If I could use them in my workings on a regular basis with no threat of medical flare-ups, I probably would.

59) Where is your favorite place to reconnect with nature?
--Probably in my front yard. I have my garden there (which is, sadly, heavily over grown with Iris' that have gone wild, as well as some weeds, as I have neglected my garden this past year. I also have an "umbrella" tree that I love. I only trim the very bottoms of the branches so it looks like a cascade of leaves, rather than a bowl-cut tree.

60) Do you believe in fantasy creatures (unicorns, gnomes, elves, fairies, etc)?
--Not in a literal sense. I believe in dragons, but on another plane of existence. I've always had a fascination with dragons, they're such magical creatures. Gentle, but rough. My favorite dragons have to be "Draco" from Dragonheart, and "Drogon" from Game of Thrones.

61) Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
--I'm really not sure. I believe in otherworldly entities, as I've experienced such beings, but I don't think I would describe them as "ghosts" or "spirits".

62) Would you ever teach the craft?
--I don't think so. I mean, I have an accumulated 20 years experience, but I still feel like I don't know enough to teach. There are some with much less experience than I and they teach, but then I've seen the quality of their lessons and think they shouldn't teach either.

Part 4

63) What, if any, legal herb do you use for moods?
--If I need to, I have a sachet of lavender buds next to my bed. I'll give it a sniff once in a while for a mood enhancer or to relax. I also make use of Eucalyptus oil when I have a cold...I'll inhale it to clear my nose.

64) What is the most recent spell/ritual you have done? (slight detail please)
--Sorry, I don't like to divulge the nature of my spells. It's not that I believe they'll lose their magic or anything like that, but they're personal to me. It's like asking someone to detail their personal medical history.

65) Do you have a happy place you go to during meditation?

66) What is your favorite Witchy book?
--I've re-read Scott Cunningham's "Wicca" a couple of times. I reference it (along with his Book of Shadows) sometimes.

67) Do you have a ritual to get ready before a ritual or spell? (what is it?)
--No, I don't really have any specific ritual I do before I do rituals. I feel a drive to do something, then I do it.

68) Do you always use your own spells, or do you tweak others?
--There are a few bottle spells I've tweaked to my own use, but otherwise I make my own spells.

69) Do you prefer spells/ritual inside or outside?
--I prefer to do my workings inside, that way I know I can get the privacy I need. Outside anyone can walk in on me (or my neighbors can bother me).

70) If you are coming from a Christian/Catholic background, did you find the transition hard with family and the whole going to hell thing? Basically leaving all you've been told was right?
--My own family isn't really religious, but going to Catholic school for my childhood made me believe in the Catholic system for a while. It took some time for me to get over the idea that I would go to hell for believing another system, but now I don't give it a second thought.

71) What are your totem animals?
--Oooh, boy. This here opens a whole can of worms, right here.

Totems have ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH to do with Paganism. They're Indigenous concepts. Totems are believed to be the emblem or founder of certain tribes. Unless you are a part of a native tribe (and I don't mean 1/16th native with a Cherokee princess as your ancestor), you have no totem.

Being native, I can say with complete honesty, my totem is the martin. I was told this by an elder in my Ojibwa tribe.

72) What are some things you reuse after spells/ritual work?
--I don't often let candles burn down (it takes a long time for many of my candles), so I reuse my candles (unless I've carved into them).

73) Who helped you most when you started your path?
--No one specifically. I've been part of online groups and such since I started, and they all helped me, but I don't think there's anyone specific that I can credit with helping me the most.

74) Do you know any good Witchy apps? (like moon phases)
--Nope. They're all fluff.

75) What is your favorite magical study?
--I'm not sure. There are lots of areas I like to study, but I like learning about spell work, correspondences, divination, general practice and rituals. I guess everything is my favorite area lol

76) Outside of YouTube and Facebook community, do you have a lot of Witchy friends in the physical world?
--No. But then religion is rarely brought up in conversation with my friends.

77) Do you feel that the deities we work with are a force from one higher power and that all beliefs and religions are from the same one God/place?
--I really don't know. I suppose its possible.